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SVM108140 - Inheritance Tax: Useful Information Ascertained by SAV

If you receive a letter from a taxpayer or agent which relates in part to matters being dealt with by the IHT caseworker, you should inform the IHT caseworker as soon as possible. Similarly, if the taxpayer or agent mentions a general IHT matter in a telephone call, - for example that they would like an early revised calculation of tax following an agreement, you should pass on the message at once.

If you become aware of other matters which might affect the amount of Inheritance Tax payable, you should also inform the IHT caseworker. One example would be of gifts made within seven years of a transferor’s death which were not originally mentioned but which are revealed on the Annual Return or are the subject of a CGT valuation request. Gifts like this are obviously particularly relevant if 100% Business Relief would not be due but you should report all information you uncover to the IHT caseworker, even if BR would be due.

Additional Guiance: SVM150000