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SIOG10305 - Procedural matters: records management and retention: record retention periods

Legislation affecting records retention in HMRC

Legislation affecting records retention in HMRC

HMRC must comply with all legal requirements relating to management of Records and Information Management. The general legislative drivers can be found in: Legal drivers. This legislation impacts on our ability to retain material and how long we should retain it for.

More information on managing information can be found in the Managing your information and records section of the Security and Information Zone.

HMRC policy

HMRC policy

The majority of HMRC will apply a maximum of six years plus the current year to their records in line with the HMRC Retention and Disposal policy.

Retention Periods in FIS Civil work

FIS follows the HMRC standard (six years plus current year) for operational, non-operational and intervention records. The timeframe runs from the date and investigation is closed and Caseflow defaults to this retention period with the option to manually extend it, if necessary.

The FIS records retention policy is here.