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SPIR2040 - General principles - Role of the Alcohol Team, Indirect Tax (ITD)

ITD has ultimate responsibility for the administration of the spirits production regime. Its role is to:

  • ensure that duties are collected and protected efficiently, effectively and economically, with the minimum burden on legitimate trade;
  • set out the framework of the system and provide guidance within which the assurance teams can exercise control in accordance with their knowledge of local circumstances;
  • maintain within the Department a high level of technical expertise and a good understanding of the business of excise traders; and
  • assess the need for change, to develop policies to meet changing circumstances, and to evaluate the effectiveness of new policies when implemented.

The Alcohol Team, ITD is responsible for the policy on spirit production within the United Kingdom. It sets out the policy stating what is to be achieved and provides guidance to compliance staff who have authority to decide how the regime is controlled.