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SDLTM03700 - Scope: How much is chargeable: General guidance on FA03/S50 and FA03/SCH4

The chargeable consideration for the purpose of Stamp Duty Land Tax comprises anything given for the transaction that is money or money’s worth.

Cash is the usual form of consideration and its value is straightforward.

See SDLTM04050 where the cash is in a foreign currency.

But chargeable consideration can also be non-monetary such as

  • the release or assumption of a debt
  • works and services
  • the transfer of other property.

As a general rule, in accordance with FA03/SCH4/PaARA7, any non-monetary consideration should be valued at its market value, unless provided otherwise in the legislation.

Where the whole or any part of the consideration is received in a form other than cash, see SDLTM04000+.