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SDLTM15010 - Variation of leases: increasing rent in the first five years

Where a lease is varied to increase the rent in the first five years of the lease (but outside the terms of the lease, such that the variation does not fall to be included in any calculation of net present value (NPV) under FA03/SCH17A/PARA7: refer to SDLTM13075), the variation is treated as if it were the grant of a new lease in consideration of the additional rent payable, under FA03/SCH17A/PARA13.

This applies:

· where rent is increased in respect of a period of continued occupation (refer to SDLTM14100), whether by virtue of an agreement between the tenant and landlord or Court order

· where rent is increased because of a statutory rent review outside the express terms of the lease

In this situation, an SDLT1 must be filed as if a new lease has been granted. The SDLT1 should reflect the full term of the lease from the date of the rent increase and increased NPV. Overlap relief may be available (see SDTLM16010 onwards) so that rent for the overlap period is not subject to a double charge to SDLT.

Where a variation takes place on or after 19 July 2006, paragraph 13 only applies if it takes place before the end of the fifth year of the lease. A lease which was subject to stamp duty rather than SDLT when granted will therefore never be subject to a SDLT charge if it is varied only to increase the rent after the end of the fifth year.

An increase in rent as a result of a landlord’s election to waive exemption from VAT (merely adding the VAT to the existing rent) is not treated as a variation of a lease to increase the amount of rent.

Statutory rent reviews under the legislation governing agricultural tenancies are not variations of the lease. When calculating the NPV of rent under such tenancies, a reasonable estimate must be made initially of the rent for the first five years, to be revised after five years or once the rent becomes certain (refer to SDLTM13160).