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SDLTM60215 - Processing: Multiple property transactions

Special arrangements that are offered to customers making multiple acquisitions of property.

The purchaser or their agent is encouraged to contact the Stamp Office Helpline  before the land transaction return is prepared.

The Helpline will provide initial advice and may refer the caller to contact the Stamp Office in writing if necessary.

If more than 100 properties are involved the information should be sent in schedular format rather than multiple SDLT3s or SDLT4s. Contact the Helpline for details of how to submit the information on a schedule.

The precise form of the schedule will depend on the nature of the interests being acquired and how they should be coded.

Copies of the schedular information will be required both on paper accompanying the SDLT1 and in electronic format. This will to help reduce the time taken to produce the certificate for the transaction.

It may also be suggested that callers liaise with the Land Registry to establish their minimum requirements for any transaction in advance of submitting their return.

  • when ‘’No’’ is entered at box 27 on the paper SDLT1 or 1.27 online, the  Stamp Office will issue a single certificate, supported by a list detailing the properties included in the customers schedule
  • a tick in the ‘’Yes’’ box at question 27 or 1.27 online will result in the Stamp Office producing separate certificates for each property.