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STSM041000 - Exemptions and reliefs: exemptions: contents

  1. STSM041010
    'Exemption' or 'relief'
  2. STSM041020
    Securities exempt from stamp duty are generally exempt from SDRT
  3. STSM041030
    Stamp Duty Reserve Tax (SDRT) repaid/charge cancelled where an instrument is duly stamped
  4. STSM041040
    Government securities and miscellaneous exemptions
  5. STSM041050
    Loan capital exemption (Stamp Duty) - general
  6. STSM041060
    Loan capital exemption - exceptions
  7. STSM041065
    Hybrid Capital Instruments
  8. STSM041067
    Securitisation and insurance-linked securities (ILS)
  9. STSM041070
    Loan capital exemption - miscellaneous
  10. STSM041080
    Securities issued or rasied by non-UK companies (SDRT)
  11. STSM041090
    Granting/issuing of options
  12. STSM041100
    Permanent Interest Bearing shares (PIBs)
  13. STSM041110
    Sales of Bearer securities - general
  14. STSM041120
    Sales of Bearer securities - exemptions
  15. STSM041130
    Issue of company stocks and shares
  16. STSM041140
    Interests in Depositary Receipts and equities within unelected Clearance Services
  17. STSM041150
    Charities - Stamp duty exemption
  18. STSM041160
    Charities - Stamp Duty Reserve Tax (SDRT) exemption
  19. STSM041170
    Charities - CREST and Stamp Duty Reserve Tax (SDRT)
  20. STSM041180
    Depositary Interests in foreign securities
  21. STSM041190
    Other non-Stamp Duty Acts that apply to stamp duty
  22. STSM041200
    Units in a unit trust scheme or shares in an open-ended investment company
  23. STSM041210
    Authorised unit trust scheme (and OEIC) mergers
  24. STSM041220
    Conversion of an authorised unit trust to an OEIC
  25. STSM041230
    Amalgamation of an authorised unit trust with an open-ended investment company
  26. STSM041240
    Demutualisation of Insurance Companies
  27. STSM041250
    Treasury shares
  28. STSM041260
    Growth market shares – stamp duty exemption
  29. STSM041270
    Growth market shares – SDRT exemption
  30. STSM041280
    Growth market shares – SDRT exemption – depositary interests/CREST depositary interests
  31. STSM041285
    Growth market shares – SDRT and Stamp Duty exemption – Depositary Receipts
  32. STSM041290
    Growth market shares – recognised growth markets – how to qualify as a recognised growth market
  33. STSM041300
    Growth market shares – recognised growth markets – how to qualify as a recognised growth market – the market capitalisation condition
  34. STSM041310
    Growth market shares – recognised growth markets – how to qualify as a recognised growth market – 20% compounded annual growth test condition
  35. STSM041320
    Growth market shares – recognised growth markets – how to qualify as a recognised growth market – application process
  36. STSM041330
    Growth market shares – recognised growth markets – list of recognised growth markets (RGM)
  37. STSM041400
    Exemptions for Share Incentive Plans
  38. STSM041500
    Financial institutions in resolution- overview
  39. STSM041510
    Financial institutions in resolution - resolution stabilisation options
  40. STSM041520
    Financial institutions in resolution - supplemental, reverse and onward transfers
  41. STSM041530
    Financial institutions in resolution - stamp duty exemption on certain transfer instruments and orders
  42. STSM041540
    Financial institutions in resolution - SDRT exemption on certain transfer instruments and orders
  43. STSM041550
    Financial institutions in resolution: Stamp Duty - exceptions
  44. STSM041560
    Qualifying Asset Holding Companies