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SPM150400 - Additional Statutory Paternity Pay (ASPP) - general information: notification of the start of ASPP for birth


The employee must apply for ASPP at least eight weeks before they want their ASPP to start. The application must be in writing and made to the employer who is liable to pay the ASPP. The employee can do this by submitting form SC7 or providing the employer with the following information in writing:

  • their name
  • the child’s expected week of birth
  • the child’s actual date of birth
  • the date they expect ASPP to begin
  • the date they expect ASPP to end.

The employee applying for ASPP must also sign a written declaration that:

  • the information provided is correct
  • they intend to care for the child during the ASPP pay period
  • they are the child’s father, or if not the child’s father, they are the partner of the mother
  • they have, or expect to have, the main responsibility (apart from the mother) for the upbringing of the child.


The employer who is liable to pay the ASPP must also be provided with a written declaration, form SC7 or equivalent, signed by the mother:

  • that she has notified her employer that she is returning to work
  • that she is entitled to SMP or Maternity Allowance (MA)
  • stating her name, address and National Insurance number
  • stating the start date of her MA or maternity pay period
  • stating the date on which she intends to return to work and stop receiving SMP or MA
  • confirming that her partner is the sole applicant for ASPP in respect of this particular child
  • that she consents to the employer processing the information given in the declaration.

Within 28 days of giving notice, the employee applying for ASPP may also be asked to provide:

  • a copy of the child’s birth certificate, and
  • the name and business address of the mother’s employer or, if self-employed her business address.

Regulation 8 of the Additional Statutory Paternity Pay (General) Regulations 2010 - SI 2010/1056

If their employer asks for this information the employee must provide it within 28 days of the employer requesting it.

The employer must confirm the start and end dates of the employee’s ASPP pay period in writing. This must be done within 28 days of receiving the application or the additional information if the employer has requested it.

A person must also inform their employer as soon as possible in cases where at any time:

  • they no longer satisfy the conditions
  • they work for an employer who is not liable to pay them ASPP.