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SPM250100 - Continuous employment: overview


To qualify for SMP, a woman must have been employed by the same employer for a continuous period of at least 26 weeks into the Qualifying Week (QW). The employee can still satisfy the continuous employment rule, even if they have only actually worked for short spells during the 26 - week period. The sole test is length of employment or, when a baby is born early, how long employment would have lasted.


To qualify for SAP the adopter must have been continuously employed by the same employer for at least 26 weeks continuing into:

  • the week in which they were notified that they have been matched with a child for adoption, or
  • the week in which they received Official Notification that the certificate of eligibility has been or will be issued, or
  • in adoption from abroad cases only, by the time they want to start their APP.

SPP - Birth

The employee must have been continuously employed for at least 26 weeks by the end of the 15th week before the week the baby due - QW.

They must then continue to be employed by the same employer until the date the baby is born

SPP - Adoption under UK law

The employee must have been continuously employed for at least 26 weeks continuing into the week in which the adopter is told by the adoption agency or social services they have been matched with a child - Matching Week (MW).

They must then continue to be employed by the same employer until the child is placed with the adopter.

SPP - Adoption from abroad

The employee must have been continuously employed for at least 26 weeks continuing into the week in which the adopter was sent Official Notification, (ON) or by the time they want to start their SPP and statutory paternity leave.

They must then continue to be employed by the same employer until the child enters the UK for adoption from abroad.


The employee must have been continuously employed for at least 26 weeks by the end of the QW/MW/ONW.

They must then continue to be employed by the same employer until the week before they start receiving ShPP.


The employee must have been continously employed for at least 26 weeks up to the end of the relevant week (RW).

They must also remain employed by the same employer up to the day the child dies or is stillborn.