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SGSAROA14180 - Assessment of risk and offence action - Pro-forma letters

Exporter: Voluntary disclosure of irregularities discovered during a DBT compliance visit

Dears Sirs

I refer to a consignment of ……………..which were exported by you on ……… to……. and which you have declared to Customs and Excise in a Disclosure dated ………….

In exporting these goods without a licence/ without declaring the licence on the C88/ with a licence which does not cover the goods/ destination to which they were being exported [use whichever form of words is appropriate], you may have become liable to proceedings under Section 68 of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979. The Commissioners takes a very serious view of this type of offence. You should therefore ensure that all the export licensing requirements are fully complied with in future.

Yours faithfully