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SGSAROA14195 - Assessment of risk and offence action - Pro-forma letters

Trade Controls

Dear Sirs,

I refer to a consignment of ……….which was exported from …… to ……. on or around ………. and for which [insert company name] was responsible for the transportation.

The Export Control Order 2008, which came into effect on 6th April 2009 prohibits UK persons from directly or indirectly supplying or delivering; agreeing to supply or deliver; or doing any act calculated to promote the supply or delivery of certain goods listed in the Order from one third country to another third country without the authority of a UK licence.

This prohibition applies to goods designated by the order as ‘Category A’, ‘Category B’ or ‘Category C’ goods, which generally includes military, para-military and dual-use goods and instruments of capital punishment or torture.

If you are involved in the unlicensed supply or delivery of goods designated by the Order as ‘Category A’, ‘Category B’ or ‘Category C’ goods, you may commit an offence and may become liable to proceedings under Section 34 of the Order.

The Commissioners for HM Revenue and Customs take a very serious view of these types of offences. You should therefore ensure that all licensing requirements are fully complied with in future.

You are advised to contact the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) to ensure that you comply with all licensing requirements. Enquiries about obtaining licences for export and trade in military and dual-use goods should be directed to DIT at the following address:

Export Control Joint Unit
3rd Floor
1 Victoria Street
London SW1H 0ET

Tel: 020 7215 4594
Fax: 020 7215 2635


Yours faithfully