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SGSELSG3050 - Issuing and presentation of licences: Standard Individual Export Licences (SIELs)

SIELs authorise a named exporter to export a specific quantity of a particular commodity to a specified overseas consignee. Licences of this type issued for large quantities are called ‘bulk’ licences.

SIELs can be used for multiple shipments. Section SGSELSG6010 details our procedure for authenticating licences. (Many DBT SIELs also authorise unspecified quantities of technology to be exported. In these cases, the SIEL is treated in the same way as an OIEL (see below) in relation to this technology, which may be exported in either tangible (e.g. manuals, floppy discs) or intangible (e.g. fax or email) form.) An export licence issued by one of the 27 EU countries will no longer be valid for export from the UK

Condition 2(a) on Standard Individual Export Licences, requiring exports to the EU to be notified to the National Clearance Hub (NCH) for Permission to Ship, has now been replaced with conditions 1 & 2 below. This means

  • Exports from GB are no longer required to notify the NCH.
  • If exporting from Northern Ireland and thegoods require a pre export customs declaration then the Licensees are not required to notify the NCH.
  • If exporting from Northern Ireland, and goods are described in the new condition 2 below and no pre export customs
  • declaration is otherwise required, then the Licensee will need to continue to notify the NCH.
  • Anyone exporting to the EU on a Standard Individual Export Licence that was issued before October 2020 should be advised to contact their DBT Licencing Officer to have their licence re-issued. DBT are aware of the issue and will resolve this as soon as possible. In the meantime exporters will not be able to make a declaration to the EU using SIELs issued before October 2020, until the licence is reissued.
  1. For exports to a destination outside the United Kingdom, the licensee must submit a customs declaration prior to export, quoting the number of this licence to the proper officer of HM Revenue and Customs when the listed items are presented to that officer for export or must comply with such alternative arrangements as are agreed with that officer, unless the export falls within condition 2 below.
  2. For exports from Northern Ireland to the customs territory of the European Union, for goods on the UK Military List, or dual-use items listed in Annex IV to Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 as it has effect in Northern Ireland by virtue of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland in the EU withdrawal agreement, or goods within the scope of Directive 91/477/EEC or goods that could be used for torture or capital punishment listed in Regulation (EU) 2019/125 as it has effect in Northern Ireland by virtue of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland in the EU withdrawal agreement, where no pre export customs declaration is required, the licensee must quote the number of this licence to the proper officer of HM Revenue and Customs* at least three working days before the date of the proposed export identifying a location where the listed items will be capable of inspection at any time during those three days, or shall comply with such alternative arrangements as are agreed with an officer of HM Revenue and Customs. * Notifications should be sent to