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SGSELSG4040 - Particular Goods: Particularly Sensitive Goods

Note: This manual is under review following Brexit and is likely to be withdrawn. If there is anything within this manual you use regularly, please email to let us know. Please check the other guidance available on GOV.UK from HMRC.

The export and transhipment of the following goods is banned

  • long range (>300km) missiles including unmanned aerial vehicles
  • MANPADS (man-portable air defence systems)
  • goods listed in Annex IV of the Community dual-use items Regulation
  • small arms and light weapons

The export and transhipment of the following goods is banned except in the most limited of circumstances:

  • anti-personnel landmines and components;
  • leg-irons;
  • gangchains;
  • electric shock belts;
  • shackles having a maximum locked dimension exceeding 240mm overall (ie including cuffs and connecting chain);
  • individual cuffs having an internal perimeter dimension when fully locked exceeding 165mm and shackles made therewith;
  • portable electric shock riot control equipment (including electric-shock batons, electric shock shields, stun guns and electric shock dart guns) and specially designed or modified components;
  • cluster munitions
  • equipment, technology or software specially related to the above goods.