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SGSELSG6010 - Third Country Exports: Standard Individual Export Licences (SIELs)

Check that:

  • the licence has not expired;
  • the goods, exporter, destination and end-user shown on the licence and commercial documentation agree;
  • the quantity and value attributed on the reverse of the licence (paper licences) agree with those declared on the pre-shipment declaration (Third Country exports only).

Open Individual Export Licences (OIELs)

Check with Customs Enforcement Policy Team during office hours

  • that the OIEL quoted on the pre-shipment declaration has been issued to the exporter, that the goods and destination are covered by it and, where appropriate, that licence conditions are met.

Open General Export Licences (OGELs)/Community General Export Authorisation (CGEAs) and Open General Transhipment Licences (OGTLs)

Verify by reference to DIT website

  • that the goods and destination are covered by the OGEL, or CGEA quoted and that any specific OGEL conditions are met.
  • If necessary obtain a ruling from DIT as to the heading in the Export Control Order 2008 or the Community Regulation under which the goods are caught.