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TCRM2450 - Managing our relationship with large business customers: Working with Low Risk customers: HMRC-initiated activity: Introduction: Contents


For customers we have designated as Low Risk we will generally only carry out a BRR+ every three years. (The exact length of the period between BRRs will be agreed between the CCM and the BRR+ Countersigning Officer in conjunction with the customer.)

This means

  • no Risk Assessment activity on any tax returns
  • no HMRC-initiated visits to customers to determine whether risks exist
  • no HMRC-initiated systems audit

However, we will carry out:

  • mandatory work required to meet HMRC and EU legal obligations and processes required by other departments, the National Audit Office or the Public Accounts Committee
  • some checks that are part of wider risk campaigns and projects
  • mandatory work required by other directorates within HMRC

Our approach to this type of work is likely to be less intrusive for Low Risk customers than for customers who are not Low Risk(Moderate Risk, Moderate - High Risk or High Risk).

We will also continue to monitor business developments and performance by having sufficient communication with the customer to maintain our understanding of the business. This will normally include, as a minimum, an annual meeting.