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TCTM02083 - Entitlement: Residence rules - Right to reside: Right to reside for nationals of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia (A8 nationals)

The Treaty establishing the European Community; Regulation (EEC) 1612/68, Articles 1 to 6

The Treaty of Accession done at Athens 16 April 2003 - Article 24, Act of Accession Annexes V, VI, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII and XIV

The Accession (Immigration and Worker) Regulations 2004, regulation 4

Under derogation from the Treaty of Amsterdam with these countries (there was no derogation in respect of Cyprus and Malta), countries that were member states of the European Union (EU) before 1 May 2004 were allowed to restrict access to their labour markets for up to five years.

In February 2004, the Government announced the terms on which workers from the A8 countries had access to the United Kingdom labour market. For the first 12 months of their presence in the United Kingdom, workers from those countries had to register with the Home Office under the Worker Registration Scheme (WRS) to be allowed to work lawfully in the UK, with the exception of people who are self-employed and certain other groups (see TCTM02084 to TCTM02086). The Workers Registration Scheme (WRS) ended on 30 April 2011, see TCTM02085 for more information.

Further details about the WRS can be obtained from Work Permits (United Kingdom) at the Home Office.