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TSI001250 - Introduction to Temporary Storage: Roles and Responsibilities


HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) are responsible for providing the policy for Temporary Storage.

The Cargo Systems and Development (CSD) Team within HMRC deal with CSP inventory systems. CSD are responsible for testing the design and certain authorisations that need to be carried out by HMRC and testing new developments provided by CSP`s.

The NCH MICS team (Movements, Inventory Control & Sheds) (Formerly known as the National Clearance Hub Shed Compliance Team) HMRC have responsibility for scrutinising declarations, selecting examinations, including substitution checks, checking inventory mis-matches, checking incorrect inputs, withhold clearance pending conformation of documents required, un-entered goods, assistance with profiles and task BF with exams. This list is not exhaustive.

Border Force

National Frontier Approvals Unit (NFAU) Border Force have responsibility for Internal Temporary Storage Facility (ITSF) approvals at the port or airport and External Temporary Storage Facilities (ETSF) approvals inland amongst other approval activities. NFAU are also responsible for carrying out financial security checks during the application process.

Border Force (BF) International Trade has responsibility for compliance assurance in accordance with the conditions of the approval. BF International Trade should be aware that these Temporary Storage premises may be situated inland in addition to being at the border. BF are responsible for the operational aspects of Temporary Storage and cover Health & Safety aspects. BF carry out inspections on behalf of NCH when declarations are made to clear the goods from the ETSF. Temporary Storage authorisations are issued and supervised by Border Force, although HMRC are responsible for the policy.