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TSI002150 - Temporary Storage Declaration: Temporary Storage Declaration process

The Temporary Storage process occurs as below:

CHIEF/CDS receives pre-lodgement or import declaration. The trader may choose to submit a Pre-lodged Customs declaration into CHIEF/CDS. At the airport of departure, goods are manifested and loaded for Departure with the Air waybill message sent to the carrier at destination.

On arrival, Goods are unloaded and moved to Cargo sheds. Receipt of Air Way bill messages triggers notification of “goods arrival and presentation” to CSP system. The CSP receives Air Waybill Data to form summary declarations (if not pre-lodged).

A Pre-lodged Declaration is subsequently updated, or Full/Temporary Storage Declaration submitted. Goods must then be presented to Customs. The goods are arrived via an update on the Inventory System.

The declaration message must happen at the deconsolidated level. Some goods are transferred to Airport Cargo Shed to be deconsolidated.

The CSP link will automatically inform the Cargo Shed regarding the location of the physical checks.

The arrival’ indicator then triggers the risk assessment of declarations on CHIEF/CDS, identifying declarations for hold or release. CHIEF/CDS is automatically updated with status of goods.

The Inventory System then automatically generates and updates the status of goods from CHIEF/CDS. A release note is generated for clearance of goods.

Customs may conduct physical checks on goods held.

Under the UCC, all goods are in Temporary Storage from the moment of presentation and a Temporary Storage Declaration is required for all goods (UCC 144 and 145). However, under IA 192, a pre-lodged customs declaration may be considered as a Temporary Storage Declaration. Note that this does not remove the obligation to make a Temporary Storage Declaration but satisfies the requirement. Temporary Storage is ended when the goods are placed under a customs procedure or re-exported (UCC 149). “Placed under a customs procedure” effectively means when the goods are customs cleared.

The requirements of a Temporary Storage Declaration:

Date Field (Part 3 CIDEER) Mandatory under UCC Is the field currently completed when making a TSD
Goods Item Number Y Mandatory
Signature/Authentication Y Mandatory
Previous documents, including a master Reference Number (MRN) for any entry summary declaration, sustoms declaration or temporary storage declaration N/A N/A
Additional Information Y Optional
Documents produced, certificates ad authorisations, additional references Y Optional
Local Reference Number Y Mandatory
Identification of Temporary Storage premises Y Mandatory
Declarant Identification Y Mandatory
Representative identification number, where one has been appointed Y N/A
Representative status code, where one has been appointed Y N/A
Person notifying the arrival of goods following movement under temporary storage identification N N/A
Location of Goods Y Mandatory
Supervising Customs Office Y Mandatory
Date of Presentation of Goods N/A Mandatory
Type of Packages Y Mandatory
Number of Packages Y Mandatory
Shipping Marks Y N/A
Commodity Code Y If known, possibly
Identity of means of transport on arrival Y Mandatory
Container identification number Y Mandatory
Seal Number Y Mandatory