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TPD17090 - Fraud and theft: Police and Trading Standards Officers

You are unlikely to have many dealings with either the police or TSOs in the normal course of your duties controlling registered premises. You should know, however, that the police and TSOs have agreed to watch for unmarked cigarettes and HRT, which they may encounter in the normal course of their duties. All co-ordination between Customs, the police and TSOs will be through the Tobacco Operational Intelligence Coordination Centre (TOICC). There remains the possibility that either the police or TSOs may contact you for help or advice concerning particular brands that they encounter. You may be able to help but you should also ensure that they contact the FIS Teams and inform them of the details of the case.
You should also be aware that Police Officers are empowered to detain and/or seize excise goods under S139 of the Customs and Excise Act 1979 (CEMA). S.11 CEMA also allows HMRC to request assistance from police officers in the enforcement of the law.  

TSO’s also have powers to seize but these are not based on CEMA and are focused on products that are counterfeit or in breach of necessary standards. The Department is encouraging a multi-agency approach to excise fraud and is working closely with TSO’s in Operation Cece, which was launched in January 2021 with the aim of disrupting the sale of illegal tobacco. For anything relating to Operation Cece the main point of contact is the TOICC.