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TPD18180 - National Advice Service Enquiries - Unmarked tobacco products imported by Occasional Importers

You may receive enquiries from an Occasional Importer who has received cigarettes or hand-rolling tobacco, which is not fiscally marked. You should contact your Local Compliance Fraud team immediately and report the details to them.

You must advise the Occasional Importer to keep the tobacco product and not dispose of it. It is very important that they follow your advice because they could be in a very serious situation. It is a breach of regulations to import unmarked cigarettes or HRT to home-use. It is a criminal offence to possess, transport, display, sell, offer for sale, or otherwise deal in unmarked products. (“Unmarked products” means specified tobacco products that do not carry a fiscal mark despite the fact that they are required to carry one.)

The Local Compliance Fraud team will decide on the further action that is necessary and will advise the Occasional Importer accordingly.