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TPD5040 - Receipts: Imported product received from an excise warehouse or direct from the place of importation

Tobacco products may be removed without payment of Tobacco Products Duty (TPD) either directly from the place of importation or from an excise warehouse. The imported product must be in free circulation prior to receipt into the registered store and once in the store the foreign product is treated in all respects as if it had been manufactured in the UK. The normal VAT rules which apply to imported excise products in warehouse, also apply to imported tobacco product held in registered stores. The trader must provide security (guarantee or bond as appropriate) to cover the potential TPD on the products during their removal from the place of importation or excise warehouse to the registered store.

Imported tobacco products received directly from another Member State (NI only) are subject to the terms and conditions of ‘The Excise Goods (Holding, Movement, Warehousing and REDS) Regulations 1992’ full details of which can be found in X-42 (Excise Goods: Holding & Movement.) and also X-48 (REDS).

Tobacco products imported under these facilities should either:

  • be taken into the registered store and entered in the stock accounts; or
  • if the products are for further manufacture and the trader wishes to process them immediately, they may be taken direct into the factory and entered in the materials receipt records.

Thereafter they are controlled in the same way as any other products or materials in the premises.