TTM09340 - Capital allowances: Capital allowances after exiting from tonnage tax

After the written down value of qualifying expenditure has been restored in accordance with SI00/2303/REG4 to REG6, capital allowances are computed in the normal way.

Where a former tonnage tax asset is sold then a balancing adjustment may arise. If this results in a balancing charge, then the cap on disposal value in computing that charge is the original actual cost (or market value, if appropriate), and not the restored post-tonnage tax qualifying expenditure, per CAA01/S62 (1).

The interaction between the main capital allowances and tonnage tax legislation can be difficult.  In HMRC v Unicorn Tankships (428) Ltd [2021] UKUT 109 (TCC) the Upper Tribunal observed that both parties' interpretations of FA00/SCH22/PARA85 required a degree of 'expansive interpretation'.  The taxpayer's argument stretched the wording of PARA85 (2) to read two sub-paragraphs together.  HMRC's interpretation read 'qualifying expenditure' as bearing different meanings in different places.  The tribunal found in favour of Unicorn Tankships.


Assuming a single ship as the asset; AP year ended 31st December:

Date or period Description Amount £
01 January 2009
Cost of ship
y/e 31 December 2006
01 January 2010
Entry into tonnage tax and ‘frozen pool
31 December 2013
Leaves tonnage tax. Qualifying expenditure restored by reg4:-  20,000,000 x 25%
31 December 2013
Sale price of ship
y/e 31 December 2013
Balancing charge



  • FA00/SCH22/PARA85 (exit: plant & machinery)  TTM17466
  • SI00/2303/REG4 (writing-down basis of plant & machinery)  TTM18004
  • Qualifying expenditure on exit from tonnage tax  TTM09300