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TTM17671 - Schedule 22 Finance Act 2000: Part XII groups - Para 119 company not to be treated as member of more than one group


(1) For the purposes of this Schedule a company may not, at the same time, be a member-

(a) of a tonnage tax group and a qualifying non-tonnage tax group, or

(b) of more than one tonnage tax group.

(2) If the rules in paragraphs 116 to 118 would produce that result in relation to a company, the following rules apply.

(3) As between a tonnage tax group and a qualifying non-tonnage tax group, the company shall be treated as a member of the tonnage tax group and not of the non-tonnage tax group.

(4) As between two tonnage tax groups, the company shall be treated as a member of the group whose tonnage tax election was made first and not of the other tonnage tax group.

(5) In the case of group elections made at the same time, the company may choose which election it joins in.

It is treated for the purposes of this Schedule as a member of the group in respect of which that election is made and not of any other tonnage tax group.


Company not to be a member of more than one group TTM12100