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TSEM5620 - Trusts for particular purposes: compensation under ESC A68 - example using dividend income - years to 2009-2010

The trustees must meet the conditions of the concession (TSEM5610).

This is how to calculate relief on dividend income.

Income and tax rates Amount Total

Tax pool brought forward



Dividend received



Tax credit



Gross income



Tax due on standard rate band (10%)



Tax due at (dividend trust rate) (32.5%)



Less non-payable tax credit



Income available for distribution



Total tax pool



Amount distributed subject to PAYE




The compensation payable to trustees is the lesser of

Tax due Amount Total
  • tax at trust rate on the total payments which are treated as employment income

£67,725 @ 40% =


  • tax which the trustees have available in the ‘tax pool’ above



The compensation payable is therefore

