VAEC7830 - Error correction for VAT returns: Processing: Initial check for completeness
There are several ways of dealing with incorrect or incomplete error notifications, depending on whether a remittance was enclosed and whether made by letter or by an error correction notification.
Remittance received, with accompanying letter or an error correction notification
- Provide DMB with details of the remittance and how to appropriate on form VAT915.
- Phone the person and request the missing details in writing.
- If no reply within 14 days, or written response fails to resolve the open issues, contact by phone / letter
- If no reply within 14 days pass to supervisor for decision on whether to refer for a visit.
No remittance received
Error correction notification:
- Phone the person and request the missing details in writing, or return the form to the person with a request that it be amended / completed.
- If no reply within 14 days, or written response fails to resolve the open issues, contact by phone / letter
- If no reply within 14 days pass to supervisor for decision on whether to refer for a visit.
Notification by letter:
- Send a letter to the person explaining why the error notification cannot be accepted.
- If no reply within 14 days, or written response fails to resolve the open issues, contact by phone / letter
- If no reply within 14 days pass to supervisor for decision on whether to refer for a visit.