VAEC9130 - How to assess and correct: VAT Amendments: Review of computer documents
For information about retired VAT systems, go to VAEC0150. For information about Making Tax Digital for VAT and ETMP processes, go to VAEC0200.
Input Document: VAT641/VAT641A Officer’s Assessment Input Form
- Output document always received: VAT655 Notice of Assessment and VAT667 Statement of account
- Possibly received: VAT655 Notice of Amendment of Surcharge, VAT666 Notice of Amendment of Misdeclaration Penalty (MP), only for periods prior to 1 December 1993, D2211 List of Penalties potentially due.
- Acceptance/rejection: VAT645 to accept or VAT646 to abort.
Input Document: VAT642/VAT642A Error Correction Input Form
- Output document always received: VAT657Notice of Error Correction and VAT667 Statement of Account.
- Possibly received: VAT665 Notice of Amendment of Surcharge. VAT666 Notice of Amendment of Misdeclaration Penalty (MP), only for periods prior to 1 December 1993. D2211 List of Penalties potentially due.
- Acceptance/rejection: VAT645 to accept or VAT646 to abort. Only abort if there has been a Departmental error.
Input Document: VAT643/VAT643A Amendment to Officer’s Assessment Input Form.
- Output document always received: VAT656 Notice of Amendment of Assessment and VAT667 Statement of Account.
- Possibly received: VAT665 Notice of Amendment of Surcharge. VAT666 Notice of Amendment of Misdeclaration Penalty (MP), only for periods prior to 1 December 1993. D2211 List of penalties potentially due.
- Acceptance/rejection: Automatically on file. Any error should be corrected by a further VAT643.
Input Document: VAT644 Officer’s Assessment withdrawal request.
- Output Document always received: VAT667 Statement of Account. D1682 Withdrawal of Officers Assessment. There is no automatically produced notification of withdrawal. Trader should be notified by letter.
- Possibly received: VAT655 Notice of Amendment of Surcharge. VAT666 Notice of Amendment of Misdeclaration Penalty (MP), only for periods prior to 1 December 1993. D2211 List of Penalties potentially due.
- Acceptance/rejection: Automatically on file