Updates: VAT Betting and Gaming Guidance
Remote gambling: spread betting
Amended word Traders to businesses for Irene Frost
Lotteries: what is a lottery?: gaming machines offering the right to participate in a lottery
Amendment to change the word traders to businesses for Irene Frost
Brexit amendment for Irene Frost
Bingo: examples of types of bingo games
Amendment to wording for Irene Frost
Bingo: composite bingo charges
Amendment to wording for Irene frost
Amendment to change trader to business for Irene Frost
Amendment to change trader to business for Irene Frost
Amendments made from trader to business for Irene Frost
Amendment to change trader to business for Irene Frost
Amendment made to traders to change to businesses for Irene Frost
Machine games: treatment of tokens and prizes awarded from machines: non-replayable tokens
Amendments to change trader to business for Irene Frost
"Relevant machine games": accounting for VAT on machine takings: dud coins
Amendment to change traders to businesses for Irene Frost
Amendments made to change trader to business for Irene Frost
Amendment made to change trader to customer for Irene Frost
Machine Games: liability of other supplies associated with machine games
Amended trader to customer for Irene Frost
"Relevant machine games": extracts from relevant legislation: UK VAT law
Brexit amendments made for Irene Frost
Relevant Machine Games: extracts from legislation: European VAT law
Brexit amendments made for Irene Frost
Amendment to change trader to customer for Irene Frost
Brexit amendments made for Irene Frost
Brexit amendments made for Irene Frost