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VCASUPDATE130426 - VAT Cash Accounting Scheme Manual: recent changes

Below are details of the amendments that were published on 26 April 2013 (see the update index for all updates)

Page Details of update
VCAS1100 Policy responsibility - team and location details updated.
VCAS4100 Link updated from ‘V1-3’ to ‘VAT Supply and Consideration Manual’.
VCAS4300 Policy responsibility - team and location details updated.
VCAS6400 Broken hyperlink to “V1-35” amended and now takes you to “VAT Assessment and Error Correction Manual (VAEC)”.
VCAS6450 “Getting advice” hyperlink updated.
VCAS6550 Broken hyperlink to “V1-35” amended and now takes you to “VAT Assessment and Error Correction Manual (VAEC)”.
VCAS6600 “Getting advice” hyperlink updated.