VCP10952 - Calculation and notification of the penalty: Penalty Liability Notice reminder letter A
Your ref .
Our ref: (Insert VAT Registration number)
Date .
Dear Sir / Madam
EC Sales Lists: Penalty Accrued Reminder
An EC Sales List Penalty Liability Notice was issued to you on* ., in relation to receipt of your EC Sales Listfor the # calendar quarter/ month/ year* . e.g.06/02 (01/04/06 to 30/06/06).
According to our records this has still not been received.
I would draw your attention to the fact that this default has been accruing a penalty of£5 per day since * .
*Furthermore our records show that the subsequent EC Sales List for the # calendarquarter/ month/ year* , which should have beensubmitted by * , (insert due date) has also not beenreceived. A penalty of £10 per day, up to a maximum of 100 days, may therefore beaccruing in respect of this default from * (insert due date + 1)
Yours faithfully
Officer of HM Revenue and Customs
*insert as appropriate