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CSE1030 - Introduction: What types of exempt businesses and organisations can benefit from the exemption with effect from 1 June 2018?

The only businesses or organisations that can use the exemption are those that engage in exempt activities that fall within the following public interest Exemption Groups (Schedule 9 of the VAT Act 1994) and meet the relevant criteria/conditions:

Group 3 Postal services;

Group 6 Education;

Group 7 Health and welfare;

Group 9 Subscriptions to Trade Unions, professional and other qualifying bodies;

Group 10 Sport, sports competitions and physical education;

Group 12 Fund raising by charities; and

Group 13 Cultural services.

The cost sharing exemption no longer applies to banks, insurance businesses, financial services businesses and suppliers of land and property which previously could qualify (see CSE1040).

The exemption currently continues to apply to Social Housing organisations that provide housing accommodation for tenants at affordable rents (see CSE1060).