CSE3700 - How the conditions are to be interpreted: ‘Directly Necessary’ services: contents
CSE3720What are ‘directly necessary’ services? (guidance effective until 14 August 2018)
CSE3740How may ‘directly necessary’ services be identified? (guidance effective until 14 August 2018)
CSE3760How does the 85% “directly necessary” test work? (guidance effective until 14 August 2018)
CSE3780How can the test be applied in practice? (guidance effective until 14 August 2018)
CSE3800Directly Necessary services: What will happen if a member meets the 85% test by having an intention to make 85% or more exempt and/or non-business supplies in the following 12 month period but that (guidance effective until 14 August 2018)
CSE3820What happens if a member fails the 85% test after initially meeting the test? (guidance effective until 14 August 2018)
CSE3840Can the 85% test be applied on a sector/account basis? (guidance effective until 14 August 2018)
CSE3850Directly Necessary services: What are ‘directly necessary’ services? (guidance effective from 15 August 2018)
CSE3855How may ‘directly necessary’ services be identified? (guidance effective from 15 August 2018)
CSE3860How is apportionment to be made? (guidance effective from 15 August 2018)
CSE3865Requirement for the CSG to have a partial exemption method? (guidance effective from 15 August 2018)
CSE3870Members partially exempt: what happens if no apportionment is made? (guidance effective from 15 August 2018)
CSE3875Annual adjustments and error correction (guidance effective from 15 August 2018)
CSE3880How may ‘directly necessary’ services be identified? Use of special methods by members of CSGs (guidance effective from 15 August 2018)
CSE3885Members with non-business activities: How is apportionment to be made? (guidance effective from 15 August 2018)
CSE3890Issue of VAT invoices by CSG? (guidance effective from 15 August 2018)
CSE3895Requirement to be VAT registered? (guidance effective from 15 August 2018)