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VATDREG02050 - Voluntary deregistration: introduction

Voluntary deregistration occurs when a taxable person who ceases to be liable to be VAT registered but still has an entitlement to be registered requests deregistration.

Note, a person may not voluntarily deregister from Schedule 3A as there is no threshold to that schedule.

The value of the supplies concerned does not have to be below the deregistration threshold when the person applies but if it is not, the person will need to show good cause for claiming that it will be below the threshold in the future.

There is no minimum period for which a person must have been registered before deregistration can be granted under Schedule 1 or 3A.

However, Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 do provide for a minimum period of registration in certain circumstances.

There is no obligation on a registered person to notify reductions in taxable turnover.

We cannot remove a person who is entitled to be registered for VAT from the VAT register.