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VATFIN9500 - Glossary of terms: O

Offer The price at which the market maker will sell shares to investors.
Offer for Sale A method of bringing a company to the market. The public can apply for shares directly at a fixed price. A prospectus containing details of the sale must be printed in a national newspaper.
Offer Price The price quoted by a Market Maker at which he will sell the relevant stocks/shares.
Open-Ended Investment Company (OEIC) A collective investment scheme. As with an Investment Trust buy shares in the company which has the sole purpose of investing in securities, property etc.
Open Position The position of a dealer in foreign exchange or futures/options etc. at any time when an exchange risk is run.
Option The right (but not the obligation) to buy or sell securities or commodities at a fixed price within a specified period.
Ordinary Shares The most common form of share. Holders receive dividends which vary in amount in line with the profitability of the company and recommendation of directors. The holders are the owners of the company.
Out-of-the-money An option whose exercise price is less favourable to the option buy than the current spot rate.
Over The Counter Securities Unlisted securities that are traded outside a regular exchange. Investors in these have less protection than those in listed investments.