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FHDDS31605 - Approval, revoking the approval and variations: approval – policy: rejecting the application

Notice to reject

When you consider that you may need to reject an application, you should consider the guidance at FHDDS34000 and issue a ‘minded to reject’ letter prior to issuing a formal ‘Notice to reject’. Making a decision to reject an application you should consider that it will have an adverse effect on the business’s prospective or existing business, it is important that the decision is justifiable and proportionate to the risk identified.

You must reject the application only if the applicant has not satisfied the criteria for approval (fit and proper test), and they should be given a ‘notice to reject’ in writing specifying the:

  • reason for the rejection
  • date on which the rejection is made

Letter templates can be found on SEES / Forms + Letters / Selected Categories / Local Compliance / +CITEX / Fulfilment House Due Diligence Scheme.