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FHDDS32420 - Approval, revoking the approval and variations: approval – Notifying a decision to reject an approval

When making your decision you should discuss your findings with your line manager (at least Senior Officer level (SO) is recommended) before taking the appropriate action. Once satisfied that the application should be rejected, you must update the FHDDS system and enter the reasons for the rejection to be included on the rejection letter.

As a decision to reject an application will have an adverse effect on the business’s prospective or existing business, it is important that the decision is justifiable and proportionate to the risk identified. Your evidence in support of your decision should be based on solid facts, not personal instinct, sufficient to defend a robust external examination of the decision.

A business has the right to disagree with your decision.

Letter templates can be found on SEES / Forms + Letters / Selected Categories / Local Compliance / +CITEX / Fulfilment House Due Diligence Scheme.