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VATGPB11110 - Government departments and health authorities: Contracted Out Services (COS) Headings: COS Heading 69 - Typing, secretarial, telephonist and clerical services

The full heading reads: Typing, secretarial, telephonist and clerical services but excluding agreements which amount to no more than the provision of staff on a temporary basis

The change in the wording of this heading is for clarification purposes only as the words “including agency staff” were causing confusion. The intended general scope of the heading has not changed.

This heading covers the outsourcing of typing, secretarial, telephonist and clerical service functions. It does not include the hire of typists, secretaries, administration staff and agency staff - for example to fill short-term vacancies or supplement existing staff levels during busy periods.


  • Provision of typing services by a word processing bureau
  • Dictation services
  • Transcription services


  • Secondees
  • Executive, managerial or other decision-making roles - the heading is limited to clerical roles, not consultancy services
  • Hire of telephones, telephone lines, switchboard equipment etc.
  • The hire of agency staff