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VATGPB11170 - Government departments and health authorities: Contracted Out Services (COS) Headings: COS Heading 72: Career guidance, mentoring, counselling and other related services

The full heading reads: Services supplied solely for the purpose of duties imposed by, or powers provided pursuant to, welfare legislation enacted by Parliament and the devolved governments including but not limited to the Employment and Training Act 1973 and the Welfare Reform Acts of 2007 and 2012, and either:-

(a) the benefit of those services is delivered directly to individuals to help them in seeking to obtain or retain employment, or to enhance their employment prospects either before or during employment, including but not limited to careers guidance, mentoring, counselling, training, skills assessment, medical services and assessments and occupational health assessments, employment programmes, work experience, work placement and business plan development; or

(b) they provide direct support to claimants of benefits under the welfare legislation including but not limited to assistance with making claims, provision of medical services and assessments, occupational health assessments and other assessments and personal budgeting advice.

As the heading says, this also applies to the devolved governments and legislation enacted by them.