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VATGPB1500 - Introduction: representative bodies

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) is the professional body that supports and trains public sector finance officials, including those in local government.

VAT Principles Policy Team (see VATGPB1600) sits on the CIPFA VAT Committee. As the secretariat of this committee, CIPFA acts as a channel of communication between local authorities and HMRC. CIPFA  also provides informnation on VAT via its 'Local Authorities and Similar Bodies VAT' subscription service.

HMRC has taken a general subscription to CIPFA VAT services which can be accessed at on completion of a simple on-line registration form.

Other representative bodies liaise with VAT Principles Policy Team on matters of policy and in consultation. These include the:

  • Local Government Association (LGA), which represents local government in England and Wales
  • Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), which represents the interest of Scottish authorities
  • Society of County Treasurers
  • Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), which represents NHS bodies
  • Tax Centre of Excellence, which represents government departments - the secretariat is in the Ministry of Justice

VAT Principles Policy Team also meets with police authorities and their tax advisers. Other organisations representing different levels of authority are invited to comment on issues such as proposals for future legislation, policy changes and notices.