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VATGPB5380 - Police authorities: summary of activities: liabilities R to S

Activity Business (B) or Non-business (N) Rate: Standard (S), Zero (Z) or Exempt (E)
Rental income (other than section houses) B S or E
Road accidents (Information and documents required to be provided) N -
Royalties B S
Safety certificates (issue of) N -
Scrap (disposals of) B S
Secondments See ‘Staff’ See ‘Staff’
Section Houses See ‘Housing’ (VATGPB5340) See ‘Housing’ (VATGPB5340)
Spare parts (sales of) B S
Special Enquiries (salaries & expenses) N -
Speed Awareness Training referral fee B S
Speed limit payments N -
Sponsorship B S
Sports clothing and equipment (Sales to trainees and officers) B S
Sports competition entry fees B S
Sports grounds: policing (requested) B S
Sports grounds: policing (as requirement of safety certificate) N -
Sports grounds: leasing (series of lets) B E
Sports grounds: leasing (other than series of lets) B S
Staff: secondments (officers for a statutory purpose) N -
Staff: secondments (officers for a non-statutory purpose) B S
Staff: secondments (support staff) B S
Staff: secondments of teaching staff & classroom assistants for educational purposes B E
Staff: secondments to ACPO (serving officers ) N -
Staff: secondments to ACPO (civilian staff) B S
Stranded persons (reimbursements) N -