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VGROUPS08750 - VAT avoidance - groups of companies statement of practice on the new Schedule 9A VATA 1994: example of arrangement where HM Revenue and Customs would use their powers under Schedule 9A

Commercial considerations
Structure chosen
Summary of effects of structure
Customs and Excise view of structure


A partly exempt group of companies (the PX group) wishes to buy a large number of new personal computers for £1 million plus any VAT.

Commercial considerations

In structuring this purchase the PX group considers four main factors:

  • How to finance the purchase. The group wishes to fund about half of the purchase price from its own resources, paying the balance over a four year period.
  • The accounting treatment of the purchase. The group does not wish to increase the gearing in its group balance sheet.
  • The direct tax treatment of the purchase. The group is not expecting to make a profit this year for corporation tax purposes, although it expects to return to profitability in the relatively near future.
  • The VAT cost of the purchase. The group wishes to minimise the incidence of irrecoverable VAT suffered.

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Structure chosen

The above factors having been considered, the following steps take place:

  • The PX group sets up a new company (Newco) and registers it as part of its VAT group
  • Having taken advice on their precise terms, the PX group executes:
  • (a) a leasing agreement between Newco and the other PX group companies, this agreement requiring an immediate 50% deposit in respect of each computer to be leased (total £500,000); and
  • (b) an agreement to sell Newco to an unrelated Finance House (F Ltd) for a nominal sum
  • The deposit is paid and Newco is sold to F Ltd
  • Newco leaves the PX VAT group
  • Newco buys the computers for £1 million plus VAT, recovering the VAT in full
  • Newco begins to make leasing charges to the PX group. These will eventually amount to £800,000 plus VAT over the four year period.

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Summary of effects of structure

The PX group has taken legal advice to the effect that:

  • its arrangements do not involve it in significantly greater commercial risk than a straightforward leasing agreement
  • because of the precise terms of the agreement, the computers will not be included in the group balance sheet
  • the precise terms of the agreement will allow Newco to claim capital allowances on the purchase of the computers at a time when the consequent direct tax losses can be surrendered to other members of the F Ltd loss relief group, this benefit having been factored into the leasing charge
  • the arrangements have the effect of spreading the irrecoverable VAT suffered on the purchase over a four year period, and
  • reducing the absolute amount of irrecoverable VAT by 20%
  • however, the PX group is advised that these VAT efficiencies will be reversed if HM Revenue and Customs and Excise issue a direction and assessment under Schedule 9A of the VAT Act 1994

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HM Revenue and Customs view of structure

HM Revenue and Customs would consider that an arrangement such as that described above has a number of main purposes. HM Revenue and Customs would further consider that one of these main purposes (namely the desire to generate a VAT saving by having Newco obtain full input tax recovery against outputs some of which are disregarded under s43(1)(a)) is not a genuine commercial purpose within the meaning of Schedule 9A para 2. Following the procedure outlined in part 5 of this statement of practice, therefore, HM Revenue and Customs would issue a direction in these circumstances (most probably to the effect that the 50% deposit should not have been disregarded under s43(1)(a)). An assessment would follow the direction.