VIT10000 - VAT Input Tax basics: contents
VIT10200Is the expenditure for a business purpose?
VIT10400Impact of the decision in Flockton
VIT10600How to determine business use
VIT10800Tax incurred by temporary voluntary registrations
VIT11000EU law
VIT11500UK law
VIT12100The basic right to deduct principles
VIT12200Unusual circumstances
VIT12300Procedure for dealing with supplies made on or after 16 April 2003
VIT12400Questions for HMRC to ask
VIT12500The significance of the definitions of input tax
VIT13100The Input Tax Order
VIT13200Reasons for input tax restrictions
VIT13300Recipient of supply
VIT13400When input tax can be claimed by the business on supplies to employees
VIT13420Self employed labourers and contractors
VIT13440Leases to named individuals
VIT13450Claims when the business is not registered
VIT13500Insurance claims
VIT13600Legal expenses
VIT13700Accountancy fees
VIT13800Input tax on barristers' common expenses
VIT13850Special accounting methods for barristers in chambers