VIT50000 - Motoring expenses: contents
VIT50100Rules about motoring expenses
VIT50300What is a car?
VIT50600Car derived vans
VIT50900Combination vans
VIT51200Motor caravans
VIT51500Input tax on vehicles other than cars
VIT51800Conversion of a commercial vehicle into a car
VIT52100Definition of input tax block and qualifying cars
VIT52400Conditions to be met to recover VAT on qualifying cars
VIT52700Exclusive business purpose relating to input tax block and qualifying cars
VIT53000Damaged or stolen cars
VIT53300Leasing of cars
VIT53600Relief/replacement cars
VIT53900Short-term hire and Motability leases
VIT54200Cars bought for sale and leaseback
VIT54500Car repairs and other motoring expenses
VIT54800Availability of cars for private use
VIT55100Taxing the private use of cars
VIT55400Road fuel and the private use of cars
VIT55700Private use of business cars
VIT56000The self-supply provisions related to the private use of cars
VIT56300Private use of commercial vehicles
VIT56600Trade agreements with the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders