VATLP22000 - Option to tax: contents
VATLP22050Overview of the option to tax
VATLP22100What is the relevant UK legislation?
VATLP22150What is the European basis for the option to tax?
VATLP22200Legislative changes since the option to tax was introduced
VATLP22250Scope of the option to tax: contents
VATLP22300Supplies not affected by an option: contents
VATLP22350Decision and notification: contents
VATLP22400Belated notification of an option to tax: contents
VATLP22450Disclosure of an option to tax to a third party
VATLP22500Permission options
VATLP22550Input tax and the option to tax: contents
VATLP22600How are rent adjustments following sales and purchases treated?
VATLP22650What about opted properties on hand at deregistration?