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PE36600 - Partial Exemption methods: example paragraphs: wording for covering letter

Responding to business

Further to your partial exemption special method proposal and related Declaration of [date], I enclose your approved method.

As you will see, it has been transferred into the HMRC special method format which includes standard terms and conditions.

Please check the method carefully. If you are not satisfied that it accurately reflects your proposal contact me within the next 30 days, otherwise it will be taken that you are content with the approval.

Responding to advisor

Further to the partial exemption special method proposal and related Declaration of [date] made on behalf of your client, I enclose the approved method.

As you will see, it has been transferred into the HMRC special method format which includes standard terms and conditions.

Please check the method carefully. If you or your client are not satisfied that it accurately reflects your proposal contact me within the next 30 days, otherwise it will be taken that you and your client are content with the approval.