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VEXMOTORS3100 - Procedures for supplying vehicles under the scheme: supplying the cars


The scheme is available to persons who intend to leave, and remain outside, the UK for at least 6 months. All applications for the supply of tax-free vehicles under the PES are to be forwarded to the Personal Transport Unit (PTU) - see VEXMOTORS1300 - for vetting.

Supplying new cars

The prospective purchaser completes an application Form VAT 410 and hands it to a motor dealer who operates the scheme. The form includes a declaration that the applicant has read VAT Notice 707: Buyers guide to personal exports of motor vehicles to destinations outside the UK and will comply with the conditions of the scheme.

The dealer completes his part of the form and sends copies to:

  • the PTU, who approve the application, and
  • the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) (see VEXMOTORS5000), who issue a pink registration book (VX302) denoting tax-free status.

The applicant must then take delivery of the vehicle and export it within the period allowed.

The conditions of the scheme are detailed in VEXMOTORS2000.

Supplying used cars

The scheme generally works in the same way as for new cars. But the dealer must complete the second-hand questions on the VAT Form 410 and send the form to the PTU as he would for a new car. The key difference is that the used car will already be registered with DVLA; and although no new registration number will be allocated for a PES vehicle which is second-hand, the dealer must still notify DVLA.

Completion of Form VAT 410

Form VAT 410 is used for new and used cars sold under the scheme.

On receipt of an enquiry from a prospective purchaser, the dealer should refer the purchaser to VAT Notice 707 together with the VAT 410 application form.

The VAT410 is carbonated and incorporates 4 copies, which should be dealt with as follows:

Top copy Blue HMRC copy to be forwarded by the dealer to the PTU for approval.
2nd copy Green To be given to the customer for retention.
3rd copy Pink Dealer copy to be retained to support VAT zero-rating.
4th copy Yellow To be forwarded to the local DVLA accompanied by V55 authorizing the DVLA office to issue a pink registration book (VX302).

The Form VAT 410 incorporates a declaration that the applicant has read Notice 707, and agrees to comply with the conditions set out on the reverse of the Form VAT 410.

Note: Where a used vehicle is supplied, it is already registered, and the DVLA copy will be used to notify the DVLA of the vehicle’s export status. It should be sent to the DVLA office in the normal way. No special registration book will be issued in these circumstances.

Action by the purchaser

The purchaser should have:

  • read Notice 707;
  • completed the declaration on Form VAT 410;
  • confirmed the intention to leave and remain outside the UK with the vehicle for at least 6 months;
  • confirmed the intention to comply with all other conditions of the scheme; and
  • undertaken to remove the vehicle by the due date for export.

The signed VAT 410 is retained by the dealer; the purchaser retains the green copy of the form.