Updates: VAT Protective Equipment
Protective equipment: update index
Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required
Minor amendment for Brexit
Protective equipment: Children’s car seats: EC law
Amendment for Brexit for Irene Frost
Protective equipment: Pedal cycle helmets: Which pedal cycle helmets are zero-rated?
Amendments for Brexit for Irene Frost
Protective equipment: Pedal cycle helmets: The law
Amendments made for Brexit for Irene Frost
Protective equipment: Motorcycle helmets: Which motorcycle helmets are zero-rated?
Amendments made for Brexit for Irene Frost
Protective equipment: Motorcycle helmets: The law
Amendment made for Brexit for Irene Frost
Amendment for Brexit for Irene Frost
Amendments for Brexit for Irene Frost
Amendment for Brexit for Irene Frost
Protective equipment: Protective boots and helmets for industrial use: The law
Amendment for Brexit for Irene Frost