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Updates: VAT Refunds to Overseas Business Persons


24 June 2021 published amendments

Examples demonstrating under which process a claim must be made: contents

New page VROBP4020 added

Page title amended

Examples demonstrating under which process a claim must be made: VAT refunds (on goods) in an EU member state for businesses established in Northern Ireland

EU Exit changes

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) in Northern Ireland if you’re an EU business: contents

New page VROBP3070 added

Title changed

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) in Northern Ireland if you’re an EU business: verification of claims

EU Exit changes

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) in Northern Ireland if you’re an EU business: claiming VAT on services

EU Exit changes

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) in Northern Ireland if you’re an EU business: enquiries about claims

EU Exit changes

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) in Northern Ireland if you’re an EU business: time limits

EU Exit changes

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) in Northern Ireland if you’re an EU business: who can reclaim VAT

EU Exit changes

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) in Northern Ireland if you’re an EU business: submission of claims

EU Exit changes

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) from EU member states if you’re established in Northern Ireland: appeals

EU Exit changes

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) from EU member states if you’re established in Northern Ireland: enquiries about claims for VAT incurred in EU

EU Exit changes

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) from EU member states if you’re established in Northern Ireland: claiming VAT on services

EU Exit changes

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) from EU member states if you’re established in Northern Ireland: claiming VAT on goods

EU Exit changes

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) from EU member states if you’re established in Northern Ireland: electronic EU VAT Refund system

EU Exit changes

Reclaiming VAT refunds (on goods) from EU member states if you’re established in Northern Ireland: contents

EU Exit changes

Introduction: other related guidance

EU Exit changes

EU Exit changes

Introduction: operational responsibility

EU Exit changes

Introduction: policy responsibility

EU Exit changes

Introduction: law and regulations

EU Exit changes

Introduction: background

EU Exit changes

Introduction: scope of this guidance

EU Exit changes