VATREG12100 - Entity to be registered: clubs and associations: questionnaire to establish independence of sections, branches and so on: finances
- Is the subsidiary entity obliged to pay any profits or surpluses to the parent organisation? (Note: This is not of itself conclusive that the subsidiary entity is financially tied to, or dependent upon, its parent organisation)
- Does the subsidiary entity make all its purchases in its own name?
- Does the subsidiary entity have its own bank account?
- If so, who are the signatories to the account?
- Are the signatories members of the committee?
- Does the subsidiary entity pay for its own utilities (gas, water, electricity, BT and uniform business rates)? If it doesn’t, who does pay for them?
- What would happen to any funds or assets held by the subsidiary entity if it were to be dissolved?
- Does the subsidiary entity require the approval of the parent organisation before it can incur expenditure?