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VATREG47300 - Appendix: specimen letter - correction of the register - acknowledgement


VAT Registration number:……………………….

This acknowledgement form is to be signed where a taxable person who is required to be registered accepts that VAT returns addressed to other persons but rendered by them relate to their business. Please sign and return the duplicate form enclosed.




*[I/We] ………………………………………..…………………………….. refer to the VAT returns addressed to ……………………………… under VAT registration number ……………………………………. *[I/We] hereby confirm and declare the returns were made in respect of the business carried on by *[me/us] and showed VAT payable by or to *[me/us] during the periods covered by the returns.

To be signed by the correct taxable person, for example,

  • the sole proprietor where a sole proprietorship has been incorrectly registered as a partnership
  • all partners of a partnership where a partnership has been incorrectly registered as a sole proprietorship
  • a director where an incorporated company has been incorrectly registered as a sole proprietorship or a partnership.

*[A completed Form VAT 2 is attached with details of all the partners]

Signature……………………………… Position.…………………..………….


* Delete as necessary