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VSMEUPDATE110304 - VAT - Small and Medium Enterprises Assurance Manual: recent changes

Below are details of the amendments that were published on 4 March 2011 (see the update index for all updates)

Section Details of update  
VSME2050 Page updated. Reference to Departmental Audit Guidance removed and replaced with link to Compliance Handbook (CH)  
VSME2110 Minor amendment, CH link added  
VSME2120 Minor amendment, CH link added  
VSME2130 Page deleted  
VSME2150 Link to CH added  
VSME2200 Minor amendment  
VSME2520 To include reference to VATCEP and Enforcement Handbook  
VSME2700 Link to CH added in relation to powers to inspect business premises and require production of records  
VSME2800 Text deleted and replaced with reference to appropriate link to CH guidance  
VSME2870 Minor amendment, information updated  
VSME2880 Amount amended and who to get in contact with, updated  
VSME2910 Minor amendment  
VSME2920 Page Delete  
VSME2930 Page Delete  
VSME3060 Grade levels updated  
VSME3070 Address amended  
VSME3100 Minor amendment  
VSME3400 Minor Amendment  
VSME3550 Text deleted and replaced with reference to appropriate guidance  
VSME3600 Text deleted and replaced  
VSME3650 Page deleted  
VSME5450 Minor amendments  
VSME18000 Bullet deleted  
VSME37000 Information added  
VSME43000 RIS Evasion Referral link added  
VSME41250 RIS Evasion Referral link added  
VSME50005 Minor amendment  
VSME55000 RIS Evasion Referral link added